두려움설교2 폭풍속에서 주님이 찾으신 것 _ 팀 켈러 목사 (Tim Keller) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/1OTD0MaBfgI [영한 스크립트] What's the most interesting about this text here, in stormy times, how do you act in faith? 우리 눈여겨봐야 할 점은 이 폭풍속에서 주님이 우릴 부르실때 '과연 우리가 어떻게 믿음으로 반응할 수 있느냐' 입니다. How can you have the fearless ability to look at the storm and not be so scared. '어떻게 우리가 두려움없이 폭풍속에서 그 분을 바라볼수 있느냐' 입니다. It's interesting that when they say ‘Master, Master, we're going to drown.’ .. 2020. 7. 22. 두렴을 이겨내는 3가지ㅣ팀 켈러 Short Message [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/dou_q2Pz3_w [영어 스크립트] [Disciplines of Distress – Psalm 11] So he doesn’t pack. How does he do it? And verses 4 to7 give us disciplines. I would call them ‘Disciplines of Distress’. 3 things that he calls us to do. And if we do them, I think we might be able to stay put, too. We might be able to just stand, not panic, honor God, and love our neighbors in the midst of great disr.. 2020. 7. 18. 이전 1 다음