예수님짧은메시지1 교회가 존재하는 이유 영상으로 보기: https://youtu.be/ffmcD3-9Fao Jesus wanted to make one very powerful statement to His disciples and this was that Jesus doesn't run from messy people. 예수님은 그의 제자들에게 한 가지 매우 강력한 메시지를 전하기 원했는데.. 바로 이거였죠. "예수님은 죄 많은 사람들로부터 도망가지 않는다" He doesn't run from messy people. In fact, I would actually go a little bit step further. You go to the Bible and here's what you find about Jesus. "Jesus runs .. 2023. 1. 28. 이전 1 다음