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원어민 영어이메일 문장예시(자기소개)

by ifnotnow82 2022. 8. 9.

영어 원어민들이 실제 실생활에서 혹은 이메일에서 사용하는 문장들을 정리해본다. 


(자신에 대해서 짧게 소개하는 이메일)


A little about me: I am an international student from South Korea but have been in the country for the past four years. I came to the US as an undergraduate exchange student at XXXXX in my senior year and continued as a master's student at XXXXX University in Baltimore, which is where I currently am and will be before moving to XXXX. I am generally a pretty private guy, I keep to myself. I have had my fair share of messy roommates so, I'm always super clean and neat.  In my free time, I hike a lot. I've completed most major hiking trails in Virginia/Maryland and during the course of my Ph.D., I'll probably hike through all major trails in New England as well. I also play video games, and I'm a huge soccer fan and have recently started getting into baseball as well :).  I don't have any Pets. I do not smoke or drink.  


위의 이메일에서 봐둘 문장은 바로 ' I have had my fair share of messy roommates so'. 번역하면 '나는 지저분한 룸메이트들과 꽤 많이 살아봤다' 정도의 뜻이 되겠다.


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash


추가로 한가지 이메일 예문을 추가해보면..


(중고물품을 올릴때 사용하는 이메일 문장들 - 공짜로 주는 내용)


Hi everyone,


Giving away all items shown in the photos for FREE. Must pick up tomorrow AM or anytime on Wednesday before 6 pm. Thanks.


