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미국대선 펜실베니아 청문회 전문가 증언 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/7F_AvIms_lw [한영 스크립트] Could you explain at the very beginning what that line means? “Biden injection” at the very very beginning of the chart.. 그 맨 처음의 첫 줄 내용이 어떤 의미인지 설명해 주시겠습니까? 차트의 맨 처음의 “바이든 투입” 부분 말이죠.. So at the very beginning of the chart where there’s a circle that says on election day. What that indicates is there is a spike in loaded votes of 337,000 plus or minus so.. 2020. 11. 27.
'시위대'때문이라고 말하지 못하는 파우치 박사 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/Ppx5-7EpAi0 [영한 스크립트] Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Dr. Fauci, do protest increase the spread of the virus? 의장님, 감사합니다. 파우치 박사님, 시위가 바이러스 확산을 증가시킵니까? Do protest increase the spread of the virus? Uh I think I can make a general statement. 시위가 바이러스 확산을 증가시키냐고요? 어.. 저는 일반적 진술 밖에 할 수 없다고 생각하는데요. Well, half a million protesters on June 6 alone. I'm just asking that number of people. Doe.. 2020. 8. 4.
청문회 박살내는 _ 캔디스 오웬스 (Candace Owens) [영상먼저보기] youtu.be/q8GZmJJA5JI [한영 스크립트] Um, I just have to say that I object strenuously to your use of the word ‘hilarious’. Um, to me this feels a lot like your reaction to being named and in one of these manifestos. Now, you’re of course not responsible for the words of somebody writing that document, but I do think that laughing at it is a real problem because these are real families that ar.. 2020. 7. 12.