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사회주의는 결국 '사회주의'다 _캔디스 오웬스 & 디네시 디수자 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/wD4x5tjsGyQ [영한 스크립트] It’s a surprise. Socialism appeared to collapse at the end of the last century. In the 20th century, socialism flourished at the beginning. In fact, it covered about 60% of all the real estate in the planet. All the big countries, Russia, China, India were under the socialist thumb. And then at the end of the century, ‘boom’. It all went down. Reagan said.. 2020. 7. 30.
스웨덴이 사회주의를 포기한 이유 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/M6fxiqj1SkU [한영 스크립트] Today, many Americans don't like capitalism. Socialism would be better, they say. 오늘날 많은 미국인들은 ‘자본주의’를 좋아하지 않습니다. ‘사회주의’가 더 좋을거라고 그들은 말하죠. Not repressive Russian or Venezuelan socialism, but democratic socialism like what's practiced in Scandinavia. 사람들을 억압하는 러시아나 베네수엘라 같은 사회주의 말구요, 스칸디나비아의 ‘민주사회주의’처럼 말입니다. I think we should look to countries like Denmark.. 2020. 7. 22.
사회주의 반대하는 이유 _ 벤 샤피로 (Ben Shapiro) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/O3VZCxYMP3A [한영 스크립트] So I understand that you're an adequate opposer of socialism. My question to you is about socialist ideas that worked in the past, such as Social Security or Medicare. I understand so Social Security is a mess right now, but it has helped millions of Americans in the past. So do you think that we should banish socialist ideas in general in the United Stat.. 2020. 7. 13.