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스타벅스는 좋은 시장경제는 싫다? _ 찰리 커그 (Charlie Kirk) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/egRcuJE-500 [한영 스크립트] If you have a cure to diabetes, would you want to sell that here in the marketplace? 당뇨병 치료제가 있다면, 여기에 있는 마켓에서 팔고 싶은신가요? I would want to distribute it to everyone for free. 저는 모든 사람에게 무료로 나눠주고 싶어요. - But how? - That's why I'm in the fields because I would.. I want.. - 하지만 어떻게요? - 그게 제가 이 분야를 공부하는 이유에요. 저는.. Can you name one example of one thing that’s eve.. 2020. 7. 17.
사회주의 반대하는 이유 _ 벤 샤피로 (Ben Shapiro) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/O3VZCxYMP3A [한영 스크립트] So I understand that you're an adequate opposer of socialism. My question to you is about socialist ideas that worked in the past, such as Social Security or Medicare. I understand so Social Security is a mess right now, but it has helped millions of Americans in the past. So do you think that we should banish socialist ideas in general in the United Stat.. 2020. 7. 13.
교육계를 접수한 포스트모더니즘 _ 조던 피터슨 (Jordan Peterson) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/Chx-1pFJLI4 [한영 스크립트] You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people. 혹시 아실지 모르겠지만, 여러분은 지금 매우 위험한 사람들을 지원하고 있습니다. They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology. They have made it their life's mission to undermine Western civilization itself, which they regard as corrupt, oppressive and “patriarchal.”.. 2020. 7. 12.