conservative152 미국대선 펜실베니아 청문회 전문가 증언 [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Could you explain at the very beginning what that line means? “Biden injection” at the very very beginning of the chart.. 그 맨 처음의 첫 줄 내용이 어떤 의미인지 설명해 주시겠습니까? 차트의 맨 처음의 “바이든 투입” 부분 말이죠.. So at the very beginning of the chart where there’s a circle that says on election day. What that indicates is there is a spike in loaded votes of 337,000 plus or minus so.. 2020. 11. 27. 쓰레기질문 투척하는 기자들 _ 백악관 추수감사절 세리머니 [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Well, thank you very much. Please. And I just want to congratulate everybody. The Dow Jones Industrial Average just broke, for the first time in history, 30,000. It’s now that’s good. That’s great for jobs, and it’s good for everything. And this is the ninth time that we set a record during the course of 2020, and it’s the 48th time that we’ve set the rec.. 2020. 11. 25. 저는 운동권사람을 부른적 없어요~ [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Good afternoon, everyone. The beginning of the end of the pandemic started with the leadership of President Trump. In recent days, Pfizer and Moderna reported the highly successful results of their vaccine development, each achieving a COVID vaccine that is over 90 percent effective. We know Moderna is 94.5 percent effective; Pfizer 95 percent. That is ex.. 2020. 11. 21. CNN 당신들이 제 역할을 안하니까.. _ 줄리아니 기자회견 부정선거 - 줄리아니 기자회견 한영스크립트 [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트]Sir, is it your goal to pressure officials and lawmakers in these Battleground States to block or delay certification so the GOP can pick their own electors? Is that the end game here?시장님, 당신의 목표가 ‘경합주의 공무원들과 의원들을 압박해 선거인증을 막거나 연기시키는 것’입니까? 그래서 공화당이 자신들의 선거인단을 꾸리도록 말이죠. 그게 마지막 수단인가요?Our goal here is to go around the iron curtain of .. 2020. 11. 20. 검열하다 딱 걸린, "페이스북-트위터-구글" [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] In the late 19th century, the heads of the biggest corporations in America, the robber barons, got together and they set rates, they set prices, they determined how they would control information flow. They determined how they’d get rid of competition. And I’ll be darned if we aren’t right back there again. Except for this time, you’re the robber barons. .. 2020. 11. 20. 조지아에 재개표가 필요한 이유! [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Patriots, fantastic news out of Georgia today. We're going to have a hand recount. This is what we need. A full audit of these election results. So that whoever the winner is, the American people have confidence in the result. 애국자님들, 오늘 조지아에서 엄청난 소식이 있었습니다. 전량을 다시 수개표하기로 한답니다. 정말 우리에게 필요했던 일이죠. 이번 선거 결과에 대한 전면적인 감사. 그래서 승자가 누가 되던간에 말이죠, 미국국민들은 이 결과에 확신을 갖.. 2020. 11. 13. 단호한 입장의 '폼페이어 국무장관' [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Is the State Department currently preparing to engage with the Biden transition team? And if not, at what point does a delay hamper a smooth transition or pose a risk to national security? 미국무부는 현재 바이든 인수위원회와 협업할 준비가 되어있나요? 만약 그렇지 않다면, 어느 시점에서 그 지연이 원활한 인계를 방해하거나, 국가안보의 위험에 처하게 한다고 보십니까? There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. .. 2020. 11. 11. 민주당의원으로서, 수치스럽다! [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Hello, America. Hello Georgia. Let me be frank and earnest. There's a dead cat on the end of this line. And it's stinking. It's stinking with fraud. It's stinking with lack of transparency. It's stinking with non-accountability. And it's stinking with those who call themselves wanting to have fair elections. It’s stinking with their absence. Where is fair.. 2020. 11. 11. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 19 다음