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by ifnotnow82 2020. 7. 18.

[영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/dou_q2Pz3_w



[영어 스크립트]

[Disciplines of Distress – Psalm 11] 

So he doesn’t pack. How does he do it? And verses 4 to7 give us disciplines. I would call them ‘Disciplines of Distress’. 3 things that he calls us to do. And if we do them, I think we might be able to stay put, too. We might be able to just stand, not panic, honor God, and love our neighbors in the midst of great disruption and great distress. So what are those 3 things? I name them like this. We must stop ruling the world. We must start taking the test. And we must seek His face. 3 things. Stop ruling the world. Start taking the test. And seek His Face. 

Let’s start with stop ruling the world. What I mean by that the difference between 3 and 4 is incredible. It’s like a complete change of tone. Complete change of atmosphere. First 3 is panicky when the foundations are being destroyed what can anybody do? And verse 4, the Lord is on His Heavenly Throne so that's David speaking the Lord is on his Heavenly Throne. Now here's what he saying when we human beings think we are in control the world and then when the world gets out of control then we think the world is out of control. But actually it was never in our control. The foundations of the order of the world are the Throne of God. God's got a plan. God is governing. God is ruling. It's always been the case. When I was a kid, I don't know if they do this anymore, when I was a kid, you could buy a little plastic steering wheel, toy steering wheel, and then you could sort of attached it to the car over the glove compartment so that when you were sitting in the car is as five or six year old and your father and mother was actually driving at you. You would sit there and you would think you were driving the car, and modern human beings are very much like those children with that steering wheel. We think we're in charge. We think of the reason why the world is moving forward because we are in control. We're doing it well. We’ve got it solved. We're doing it right and what instead happens is a when it gets out of control which it inevitably does during times of stress, just like the one we're in right now. Then we feel like it's out of control and David says ‘No, No’ God is on His Throne. Romans 8:28 is a very famous passage and it says ‘All things work together for good to those who love God’ It's thrown at people when they're scared. It's more of a proposition and it's a truth of course. But here's two places where that that principle that God always has a plan and a plan is going to work whatever happens is happening for His own glory and our benefit long-term. That's what it says in Romans 8:28. Two places where you see that workout case studies which is.. You little make you easier to see. One is in the Acts 4:27-28, where Peter is says this. He says.. He's praying, by the way, not preaching at this point. He says Heron and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in the city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus whom you anointed they did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now that's a prayer that says when everything seems to be falling apart. Remember? Imagine you were one of the Apostles, imagine. You're one of the Apostles and you think that Jesus is Messiah and He's going to be putting everything right and you’ve seen Him heal people and raise the dead and you realize that He can do anything. He can really solve all our problems and then you watch Him being crucified and not doing anything. Anything to stop it. And you watch Him die. Your World falls apart and it makes absolutely no sense not at all not at all. The wicked have bent the bow and shot the Messiah and it looks like everything's out of control and of course what Acts 4 is trying to say is that, of course it's easy for us to say because we have a whole Bible to explain it. But that terrible thing that happened. Can you imagine people watching Jesus Christ being crucified? And going home saying I don't see how God could bring anything good out of this. Maybe they lost their faith looking at the greatest thing that got ever did for the Salvation of the world. It was terrible but it worked out, of course and the fact is every situation is like that. See, we have an entire book, it's called the Bible that explains why that horrible tragedy happened. We do not have a book explaining why that particular pandemic happens or War happens or even just a tragedy, tragic early death happens. We don't know and yet what we do know is God is on His Throne and he is wiser than we are. You know another place is Genesis 50:20 where Joseph says to his brothers at the near the end of his life right there is why I say. He says ‘You meant for evil God meant for good’ That's a very famous passage because if you read Genesis 37 all the way down to there chapter 50, it's a long history. Everything goes wrong for Joseph cause his brothers sold him into slavery and then he's lied about if he goes into the dungeon in and year after year, everything goes bad but of course in the end it was how God was going to save not only Joseph, but his family and a lot of other people and so in the end Joseph looks back and says ‘You meant for evil God meant for good.’ Now here's why I said stop ruling the world. This is saying in verse 4. The Lord is ruling the world and when it seems to be out of control it's not out of control. And I'm thinking about the famous history.. the friendship between Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. Luther and Melanchthon were friends, of course they were both reformers Luther was doing a very dangerous thing and starting the Reformation in Europe starting the Protestant church. And Philip Melanchthon was younger than Luther he was smarter in many ways than Luther and he was really more of a scholar and he was also a worrier. and very often he would be panicking he would be saying flee to the mountains the Reformation is over it's not going to work and we're told that Luther would look at Melanchthon and say let Philip cease to rule the world. I want to tell you how to use that in my mind in my heart. When I worry it's because I've known that God's ruling the world but I'm afraid he's not going to get it right. Worry is always a deep sense in the human heart that we know better than God how if I gotta go and that way we should be ruling the world instead of God. and Luther defines worry is trying to rule the world and under qualifying for the job so the first thing is you have to stop ruling the world. Here is 2nd thing. 

Start taking the test. What I mean by that is if you stop here and just say. Well, when there's fear and distress just tell yourself God's got a plan. I've seen people use that to emotionally distance themselves from the suffering from the fear to basically short-circuited and not really let themselves feel it and not really learn what they should be learning from it. I do remember many years ago a young couple, Christian couple they were married they hadn't been married very long and the wife was killed in an auto accident and I do remember the husband. afterwards walking around saying I'm just I know God's got a plan I'm just trusting the Lord, no I'm not that upset because I know God is working. He's got a plan. And he did that for about a year and then when is deep depression because he actually hadn't come to grips with the with the sorrow what's interesting here is it says the Lord is on his head when he's around then it says he observes everyone on Earth his eyes examined them in and note the terms they're mean he's testing people. What that means is you don't just an emotional distance yourself whenever there's a whenever stress Whenever there is a problem that overtakes you yes you must stop ruin the world, but you can't emotionally distant yourself saying launcher guys got something that he's trying to do yes of course you and you need to come to grips with what's happening your own heart that is to say all eat my say all disasters are tests test of you their ways for you to understand yourself to grow in faith and maybe put some finger on priorities that maybe shouldn't be there. It depends on if you go through the Bible, you'll see that whenever troubles came on got two different things with different people. There's a Jonah test sometimes trouble comes on you and it's a Jonah test because obviously Jonah was a prophet a preacher and when guy called me to go to Nineveh depreciated want to preach this dirty pagans, so John had a racial attitude problem and God bless a lot of bad things happen to him to put his finger on something very specific and sometimes troubles come on you and I said all troubles are test sign up just a distance yourself and say oh you know guys working and it yeah you should be looking at yourself you should be asking yourself what is God trying to say to me. Is there something I should be changing is her priority as A Change Is there a sin I should stop there or is it is there something too important to me. In 1991, Redeemer was very knew there was a recession here and a lot of folks lost their job lot of young people who started coming to the church recognizing the fact that their career had become there. And now that their god had died they needed another God. And that's a Jonah test, but then there's the Job test and Job is.. it's interesting.. because in Job.. you've got God allowing terrible things to happen to Job and Job's just like looking around saying "Is God trying to get me to repent for sin, in fact, Job's friends think so too, that Job's friends think... hey you must be doing something wrong here and yet.. the test for Job actually it is revealed in the beginning of the book when Satan comes to God and says You like Job so much, does he serve you for nothing? 'Does he really serve You and obey You and out of love for You? I really do it because you just bless them so much' And the end of the book even though Job is struggling enormously what's wonderful Job was.. it's okay to yell and leave.. and cry out.. because Job doesn't and in the end God vindicates him, but in the end, Job never finds out there's any one particular thing that he needs to be doing instead what he's learned is how to love God for himself, how to rest more in God than anything else which of course when the troubles are over means that you're a lot stronger than you ever been before a lot more stable I want to happier have you heard the story about The Lumberjack who went into a Grove of trees and he was about to cut the trees down over the next couple of weeks and he saw a mother bird trying to create a nest in one of the trees where she was gonna where eggs lays in. What Lumberjack knew that if she did that then a couple days she might they may all die because somebody would come in and they would take the tree down for what he did was he struck the trees and rattled the poor bird and so she went to another tree and then he followed her and he hit that tree and round the poor bird. I'm sure the bird was wondering what is the matter with this Lumberjack finally she flies up into a rock and starts to make her nest there and The Lumberjacks says okay. you say every tree in this world is coming down. Anything you trust more than God, you will lose. In fact even the mountains, Psalms 46, even mountains are gonna come down only God last.. and the test always and every trouble is find your rest in me I let my Everlasting Arms be under you are you have no security at all and the third thing last thing first stoplight in the world so I can take the test and then lastly it says the upright will see his face In the Bible when it talks about seeking God's face it doesn't just mean to pray means at least the prey but it means something a lot more than that you know what it means? It means communion with Him, it means intimacy with Him, He's coming into His presence, it means a sense of His love and His reality on your life. Martin Luther in his 40 Page Letter which you can find online how to pray. He wrote it to his Barber how to pray. He explains that meditation where you take the Lord's Prayer or verse of the Bible and you meditate on it until you begin to sense God's reality find that. That's seeking His face and you cannot get through troubles unless you do that and here's how you can do it. You notice it.. he says the very beginning page.. verse 4.. the Lord is in His holy Temple. Psalm 27, David says I go into the temple to see the beauty of the Lord, but think about this.. In those days, in the temple, yes you can go to the temple but actually only the high priest to go back to the holy of holies and be in the presence of God once a year. Because the sins of the other people create a barrier between God and the people. So you might want to see His face.. you might want that Fellowship but it really wasn't that available and then Jesus Christ shows up and He says in John Chapter 2. When He comes to the money.. Into the temple and casted out the money changers then He said to them 'What are you doing here?' and He says 'Tear this Temple down and in 3 days I'll build it up again' and He meant His body. When he died.. The veil in the temple, the barrier between God and humanity was with that, that veil was ripped. Here's what Jesus saying 'I'm the bridge. I'm the temple. I'm the bridge between Diety and humanity. I'm the high priest' It's my blood that is open the way in. And now you can come right into the presence of God. I punched a hole between.. in that concrete slab.. Sin's created between you and God and now through me you can really see His face.. You can know Him, you can sense His presence, so go. John Newton has a little Hymn. It ends like this, 'My prayer let me wrestle then He will perform with Christ in my vessel.. I smile at the storm. 

Okay let me pray.. 

Father, we thank You for the Psalms.. we thank You for this particular Psalms and we thank You for its direction.. Lord I can hardly imagine anyone is not being affected almost anywhere at least in our country and in most countries of the world by this epidemic is pandemic this virus .. I were being affected in so many different ways and 

therefore we are.. we're afraid.. we're afraid.. we get up and we look at so many things in the newspaper that creates fear.. Help us to use these disciplines these disciplines of 

distress.. Show us how to stop ruling the world to remember that You're on Your Throne.. Show us how we should be examining ourselves as You are and letting this drive us more into Your arms.. Lord troubles like this can just drive us like a nail move deeper into your love and we pray that that would happen and let us do that as we seek your face when we pray this in Jesus name amen.  


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Disciplines of Distress.docx
