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Basic Information about Tableau

by ifnotnow82 2023. 4. 19.

Tableau versions: Public vs. Desktop

Tableau Public Tableau Desktop
- Free
- All visualizations included
- Connect to Excel and CSV files only
- 15 million rows of data
- Save online only
- Public reports
- Paid
- All visualizations included
- All listed data sources
- Unlimited rows of data
- Save locally


Segmenting with dimensions

Dimensions and measures affect visualizations differently; 

 - Dimensions are used to segment data

 - Measures can be aggregated


Segmenting: grouping similar data together

- eg. average price per room type 



Tableau automatically separates fields into data roles: Dimensions and measures.

Dimensions and measures affect visualizations differently. Understanding their differences will allow us to build visualizations faster and to collect the choices made by Tableau.



- Qualitative, usually discrete

- Usually color-coded blue

- Used to group and segment data



- Can be aggregated

- Quantitative, usually continuous

- Usually color-coded green
