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How Long to Learn Python and Job Ready?

by ifnotnow82 2023. 3. 22.

How long does it take to learn Python and become job ready?

Well, there is no single answer. It really depends on you, I mean it's case by case, and how much effort and commitment you want to put into Python. 


But I would say if somebody spends 2 hours every day consistently. After about 3 months, the person should be able to write basic python programs, but quite honestly, that doesn't get you a job. In order to get a job, you need to specialize in one area.


What do you want to use Python for? Do you want to build web applications or desktop applications? Or do you want to use it in machine learning and artificial intelligence?


So whatever you want to do, you need to take additional courses. For example, if you want to become a web developer in addition to learning Python, you should also learn about HTML, some CSS, some JavaScript, and Django which is a popular Python framework for building web applications. 


spend 2 hours every day, 6 months for Python.

Learning all these things would take you another 6 months, so in total, you need 9-12 months to become job ready.

At that point, you can get a junior developer job with a salary of about 50-60 thousand dollars a year. Now as you work more as you do more Python projects, your resume starts to build and you can ask for $100,000 a year, or $120,000 a year. Depending on where you are, what company, and what geographical area, it really depends. So, there is no single answer. 


So are you excited to learn Python and get started on this career path? If you are, I would encourage you to learn Python. Are you getting started on this career path? If you are, I would encourage you to make a commitment and spend 2 hours every day practicing Python.


Why are you learning Python? What do you want to do with it? What's your dream job? If you really do your best for something, you can get the goal. Let's do it. **

2 Hours / Day
3 Months
6 Extra Months
$50-60,000 / year
$100,000 / year
.. depending on what I do...
