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민주당 주지사들이 고백하는 트럼프.. [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/_-hVnV7Jp2s [한영 스크립트]The fact is every time I've called the President, he's quickly gotten on the line when we asked to get support for that mercy ship in Southern California. He was able to direct that in real time. 팩트는요.. 제가 대통령에게 전화를 할때마다, 그가 재빨리 연결됐다는 겁니다. 우리가 캘리포니아 남부에 지원요청을 요청했을 때 말이죠. 그는 실시간으로 조치를 취했습니다.What the Federal Government did working with States was a phenomena.. 2020. 10. 31.
거짓말하다 딱걸린 카말라 해리스 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/huYxBrT1x6w [한영 스크립트] On day one, Joe Biden’s going to raise your taxes. It’s really remarkable to think- 임기 첫날에, 조 바이든은 여러분의 세금을 올릴겁니다. 정말 놀랍지 않으십니까.. I mean, right after a time where we’re going through a pandemic that lost 22 million jobs at the height, we’ve already added back 11.6 million jobs because we had a president who cut taxes, rolled back regulation, unleashed Ame.. 2020. 10. 10.
대법관 확장, 대답못하는 카말라 해리스 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/gk5PDQU42LI [한영 스크립트] When you speak about the Supreme Court, though, I think the American people really deserve an answer, Senator Harris. Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed? I mean, there’ve been 29 vacancies on the Supreme Court during presidential election years from George Washington to Barack Obama. 대법원에 대해 말한다면 말이죠.. 저는.. 2020. 10. 10.
"약이 곧 배달될 겁니다!" [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Hi, perhaps you recognize me? It’s your favorite President. And I’m standing in front of the Oval Office at the White House, which is always an exciting place to be. 안녕하세요. 아마 제가 누군지 아시겠죠? 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 대통령입니다. 저는 지금 언제나 흥미진진한 장소인 백악관 집무실 앞에 서 있습니다. I got back a day ago from Walter Reed Medical Center. I spent four days there, and didn’t have to, I could’ve stayed at the White.. 2020. 10. 8.