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거짓말하다 딱걸린 카말라 해리스 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/huYxBrT1x6w [한영 스크립트] On day one, Joe Biden’s going to raise your taxes. It’s really remarkable to think- 임기 첫날에, 조 바이든은 여러분의 세금을 올릴겁니다. 정말 놀랍지 않으십니까.. I mean, right after a time where we’re going through a pandemic that lost 22 million jobs at the height, we’ve already added back 11.6 million jobs because we had a president who cut taxes, rolled back regulation, unleashed Ame.. 2020. 10. 10.
"곧 복귀합니다" 트럼프 병상메시지 [영상 먼저보기] https://youtu.be/ygaz81zSFmA [한영 스크립트]I want to begin by thanking all of the incredible medical professionals, the doctors, the nurses, everybody, at Walter Reed medical center. I think it’s the finest in the world, for the incredible job they’ve been doing. I came here, wasn’t feeling so well, I feel much better now. We’re working hard to get me all the way back. I have to be back, be.. 2020. 10. 4.
TV토론2 - '법과 질서' 말하지 못하는 바이든 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/GAqXUrSHC6c [한영 스크립트] My question for the two of you, is why should voters trust you rather than your opponent to deal with the race issues facing this country over the next four years? Vice President Biden, you go first. 두 분께 드리는 제 질문은 이겁니다. 앞으로 4년 동안 이 나라가 직면할 인종문제에 대해, 왜 유권자들이 상대방보다 당신을 믿어야 할까요? 바이든 부통령님부터 말씀하시죠. It’s about equity and equality. It’s about decency. It’s abou.. 2020. 10. 1.