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2020 미국인이 가장 존경하는 인물, '트럼프' 미국인이 가장 존경하는 인물은 ‘도널드 트럼프’ [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/7fzxV4ifJpo[한영 스크립트]Trump is the most admired man of 2020 according to Gallup's annual poll. Trump taking the top spot and ending the 12-year run of former President Barack Obama. The current commander-in-chief beating out others like President-elect Joe Biden, Dr, Fauci and the Pope.갤럽의 연례 여론조사에 따르면, 트럼프가 2020년 가장 존경받는 사람으로 선정되었습니다. 트럼프가 1위를 차지하며, 버.. 2020. 12. 30.
이번 선거는 부정선거! _ 매디슨 카쏜 인터뷰 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/sHSn3GJOAu0 [한영 스크립트] Swing states that have liberal Governors and liberal Secretaries of State. You can see that they have broken the law and gone against our constitution with this election. And so because of that, on JAN 6th as the people of Western N Carolina send me to Washington to do a job, I will be contesting the election! 진보 주지사와 주국무장관이 버티고 있는 경합주들입니다. 여러분은 이번 선거를 통해.. 2020. 12. 26.
국경벽이 필요하지 않다고? _ 찰리커크 미국 국경벽이 필요한 이유 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/gOoPOko543I [한영 스크립트]So I’m a conservative. One thing I have a hard time rationalizing to my liberal friends, conservatives on TV and politicians have a hard time articulating is intelligent reasons why the wall must be built. I am curious your thoughts on that.저는 보수주의자인데요. 제 진보주의 친구들, TV의 보수주의자들, 정치인들을 설득하기 어려운 것 중에 하나가.. ‘왜 국경벽을 세워야 하는가’에 대한 ‘논리적인 이유’입니다. 이것에 .. 2020. 11. 28.
민주당의원으로서, 수치스럽다! [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/tzk3xDalH6w [한영 스크립트] Hello, America. Hello Georgia. Let me be frank and earnest. There's a dead cat on the end of this line. And it's stinking. It's stinking with fraud. It's stinking with lack of transparency. It's stinking with non-accountability. And it's stinking with those who call themselves wanting to have fair elections. It’s stinking with their absence. Where is fair.. 2020. 11. 11.
난민을 7배 더 받겠다고??? _트럼프 대통령 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/dcsga9OcZMk [한영 스크립트] One of the most vital issues in this election is the subject of refugees. You know it. You know it perhaps better than almost anybody. Lots of luck. You’re having a good time with the refugees. That’s good. We want to have Omar. He said Omar. That’s a beauty. How the hell did she win the election? How did she win? It’s unbelievable. Every family in Minnes.. 2020. 9. 20.
기자의 저질 질문에 대처하는 트럼프 대통령 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/vynn0ctOPyE [한영 스크립트] All right, please, Jon. 좋습니다. 존, 질문하시죠. Yes, thank you, Mr. President. Why did you lie to the American people? And why should we trust what you have to say now? 감사합니다, 대통령님. 왜 미국 국민들에게 거짓말을 했나요? 그리고 왜 지금 우리가 당신이 말하는 것을 믿어야 하나요? Such a terrible question and the phraseology. I didn’t lie. What I said is: We have to be calm; we can’t be panicked. I knew that.. 2020. 9. 12.
조 바이든의 '기후정책 일자리', 가능한가? [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/DQpo5WPU5dM [영한 스크립트] Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden wants you to believe that his two trillion dollar plan to combat climate change is a bold new agenda to save the planet. The on-rushing climate crisis left unchecked. It is literally an existential threat to the health of our planet, and to our very survival. 민주당의 대통령 후보 ‘조 바이든’은 당신이, 기후 변화와 싸우기 위한 그의 2조 달러(2,41.. 2020. 7. 26.
흑인을 위한 대통령, 도널드 트럼프 (Donald Trump, 45th U.S. President) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/g4WBs7imntM [영한 스크립트] Yeah, go ahead. Please. 네, 질문해주세요. So, on crime, in 2016, you said it was President Obama’s fault that homicides were up in Chicago. So why was it the President’s fault then, but it’s not your fault now? 2016년에 시카고에서 발생한 살인사건들에 대해 오바마 대통령의 잘못이라고 말하셨는데요. 왜 그때 그 사건은 오바마 대통령의 잘못이고, 지금 일어나는 문제는 당신의 잘못이 아니라고 하시는건가요? Chicago is a disaster. The mayor is saying, .. 2020. 7. 24.