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청문회 박살내는 _ 캔디스 오웬스 (Candace Owens) [영상먼저보기] youtu.be/q8GZmJJA5JI [한영 스크립트] Um, I just have to say that I object strenuously to your use of the word ‘hilarious’. Um, to me this feels a lot like your reaction to being named and in one of these manifestos. Now, you’re of course not responsible for the words of somebody writing that document, but I do think that laughing at it is a real problem because these are real families that ar.. 2020. 7. 12.
이 학생.. 참 위험하네 _ 벤 샤피로 Ben Shapiro 영상먼저보기: youtu.be/hGb6KGqj0nc [한영 스크립트] Happy Halloween, Ben. 해피, 할로윈 벤! Thank you. (이건뭐지) 감사합니다. So I have an issue with your stance on abortion. 저는 당신이 주장하는 낙태에 대한 입장에 대해 이야기하고 싶은데요. Ok. 좋아요. So you defined life as starting at conception through biology pretty much. 당신은 생물학적으로 수정이 될 때부터 생명이 시작된다고 정의하셨는데요. Right. 맞아요. But I think you take the stance that life is intrinsically valuable because it.. 2020. 7. 11.
조 바이든, 그가 꿈꾸는 경제는?(1분) '영상 먼저보기' _ youtu.be/OOoMJgaFr7c It's time corporate America paid their fair share of taxes. 이제 미국의 기업들이 공평하게 세금을 내야할 때입니다. We thought in our administration we should lower the tax in the high 30s to 28%, lower it to 21. I'm going to raise it back up to 28. 우리는 이번 정부가 30%이상이던 (고소득자의)세금을, 28%정도로 내릴 줄 알았는데, 21%까지 내려버렸습니다. Provide hundreds of billions of dollars to invest in the growth in this coun.. 2020. 7. 11.