josephpark48 스웨덴이 사회주의를 포기한 이유 [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Today, many Americans don't like capitalism. Socialism would be better, they say. 오늘날 많은 미국인들은 ‘자본주의’를 좋아하지 않습니다. ‘사회주의’가 더 좋을거라고 그들은 말하죠. Not repressive Russian or Venezuelan socialism, but democratic socialism like what's practiced in Scandinavia. 사람들을 억압하는 러시아나 베네수엘라 같은 사회주의 말구요, 스칸디나비아의 ‘민주사회주의’처럼 말입니다. I think we should look to countries like Denmark.. 2020. 7. 22. '남녀가 다르다고 생각하세요?' _ 윌 윗 (Will Witt) [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] What's up guys. This is Will Wit with PragerU. Today we're asking people on Hollywood Boulevard if there's a difference between men and women. 안녕하세요. PragerU의 ‘윌 윗’ 입니다. 오늘은 Hollywood Boulevard의 사람들에게 ‘남자와 여자 사이에 차이가 있느냐’에 대해 질문해보려고 합니다. - Is there a difference between men and women? - No, we're all equal. - 남자와 여자 사이에 차이점이 있다고 생각하시나요? - 아뇨. 우리 모두는 평등합니다... 2020. 7. 18. 기후문제 답변하는 '캔디스 오웬스' (Candace Owens) [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Hello. 안녕하세요. Full disclosure, I believe climate change is real. But it's obvious that the world is not ending in 12 years. We all know that's a load of horse crap and so is the green new deal. But if free market capitalism is so great how can free market capitalism solve the problem of climate change because.. 솔직히 까놓고 말해서, 저는 기후변화 문제가 심각하고 믿습니다. 하지만 세상이 .. 2020. 7. 18. 옷으로 비유한 기독교ㅣ팀 켈러 Short Message [영상 먼저보기] [영어 스크립트] Christianity is like a suit of clothes, that's too big for us. So, when you become a Christian, you get a suit of clothes which are your beliefs, your beliefs. And they're too big for you. You know, we have to grow into them. And many of us even after many years of being a Christian. We still haven't run into them, okay? So, you might call Christian belie.. 2020. 7. 18. 두렴을 이겨내는 3가지ㅣ팀 켈러 Short Message [영상 먼저보기] [영어 스크립트] [Disciplines of Distress – Psalm 11] So he doesn’t pack. How does he do it? And verses 4 to7 give us disciplines. I would call them ‘Disciplines of Distress’. 3 things that he calls us to do. And if we do them, I think we might be able to stay put, too. We might be able to just stand, not panic, honor God, and love our neighbors in the midst of great disr.. 2020. 7. 18. 우리의 목표는 '규제완화' _ 케일리 매커내니 (Kayleigh McEnany) [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Hello, everyone. This afternoon, President Trump will deliver remarks on rolling back regulations to help all Americans. Deregulation has been a top priority of this President. The President reversed the disastrous over-regulation of the Obama-Biden administration. Under President Trump, seven deregulatory actions have been taken for every one new regulati.. 2020. 7. 17. 성적인 죄의 무서움ㅣ존슨 보위 Short Message [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] Truth about sexual sin. Pain is inevitable, the jealousy is inevitable. And the connection is inevitable. This is huge. We got to listen to this. ‘성적인 죄’에 대한 진리를 말씀드릴께요. 성과 관련된 죄는 반드시 ‘고통과 질투’를 가져옵니다. 그리고 ‘그 관계’ 또한 가져오는데요. 이게 아주 심각합니다. 이건 여러분이 반드시 알아야하는 겁니다. 1 Corinthians 6. This is a scripture that we've heard probably many times if you've been in church.. 2020. 7. 17. '조엘 오스틴' 언급한 ‘라비 재커라이어스’ (Ravi Zacharias) [영상 먼저보기] [한영 스크립트] There's another angle of this which I will address and that is.. These emergent churches are going to produce a generation of people who actually will not be able to handle the challenge of Islam and other major world religions. 다른 각도에서 말씀드리자면, 이 새롭게 부상하고 있는 교회들은 이슬람교와 다른 주요 종교들의 도전을 실제로 감당하지 못하는 성도들을 만들어 낼 것이라는 겁니다. They will not be able to handle it. And.. 2020. 7. 17. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음