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기자들 한방 맥이는 _ 그리넬 대사 (Richard Grenell) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/SWTibJZH7ko [한영 스크립트] A question for Ambassador Grenell, please. Another follow-up on Kosovo, please? Ambassador Grenell, clearly you were effective here as the special envoy to these talks between Serbia and Kosovo. But I wanted to ask you about another initiative you led. Last year, you kicked off the Trump administration’s push to decriminalize homosexuality. 그리넬 대사님께 드리는 질.. 2020. 9. 9.
'트럼프가 미군을 비하했다'는 가짜뉴스에 대하여 _ 케일리 매커내니 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/deOFdPArNF0 [한영 스크립트] Also, I want to address what is quite clearly fake news. The story in The Atlantic has been categorically debunked by eyewitnesses and contemporaneous documents. The Atlantic claims, quote, “When President Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last minute decision,” according to The Atlantic.. 2020. 9. 5.
낸시 펠로시의 이중성 _ 케일리 매커내니 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/YctTcTrFPCc [한영 스크립트] Good afternoon everyone. Two briefings ago, I asked, where is Nancy Pelosi? Today, I can announce that we have found Nancy Pelosi. As you can see we found Nancy Pelosi going into her hair salon, we will be playing the video on loop for all of you to see during the duration of this introduction. 여러분, 안녕하십니까. 두 번의 브리핑 전, 저는 질문을 했었습니다, ‘낸시 펠로시는 도대체 어디 있느냐?’고.. 2020. 9. 4.
폭동을 막지 못하는 민주당의 도시들 _ 케일리 매커내니 (Kayleigh McEnany) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/gxo-gJykuWc [한영 스크립트] Good afternoon, everyone. The President shows up. When the Trump administration arrives in a Democrat run city engulfed in chaos, peace is restored, law and order is upheld. 안녕하십니까, 여러분. 대통령이 해결하십니다. 트럼프 행정부가 혼란에 휩싸인 민주당의 도시에 가면, 평화는 회복되고 법과 질서는 지켜집니다. Washington DC, New York, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha. All of these cities are Democrat run. .. 2020. 9. 1.
'백악관 총격', 트럼프 대통령이 말한다 [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/FqbzI7w8DTc [한영 스크립트] And the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones are going to be, I mean, the way they're going.. it looks like they're just about going to be topping records hopefully soon.. 그리고 S&P 500과 다우존스 지수는.. 그러니까 계속 잘 되고 있구요.. 곧 역대 최고 주식기록을 깰 것같이 보입니다.. Sir, … step out. 대통령님, …. 움직이셔야.. Excuse me? Oh, excuse me. 뭐라고요? 오, 잠시 실례하겠습니다. Sorry for that. There was a shooting. Outside.. 2020. 8. 11.
'틱톡'은 공산당에게 개인정보 넘기는 기업 _ 케일리 매커내니(Kayleigh McEnany) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/Ees60GOFHos [한영 스크립트] Thanks, Kayleigh. On TikTok, the President has argued that the United States should receive money in return for a potential sale, but he hasn’t really explained how. Under what authority could the Treasury collect fees from China, from Microsoft, or from any other U.S. buyer to get this done, as the President demanded? 고맙습니다, 케일리. 틱톡 질문입니다. 대통령은 틱톡이 매각될 경.. 2020. 8. 6.
'우편투표'가 불안한 이유는.. 케일리 매커내니 (Kayleigh McEnany) [영상 먼저보기] [영한 스크립트] Maybe a follow-up question then. I want to change gears and talk to you about Twitter. We reported yesterday that the Israeli government wrote to Twitter’s CEO, asking him to remove tweets from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini calling for the genocide of the Israeli people. The company refused to do that because they said that the tweets were, quote, “comments on curr.. 2020. 8. 1.
자국민을 지키는것이 국가 _ 케일리 매커내니 (Kayleigh McEnany) [영상 먼저보기] youtu.be/KovGhcnJOnI [영한 스크립트] Hello, everyone. The first duty of government is to protect the safety of our citizens. That’s what Attorney General Barr said when he was here at the White House just a few days ago. For 55 days in Portland, Oregon, we’ve seen lawlessness, anarchy, and destruction that threatens peace in our streets and the safety of our fellow American citizens and the .. 2020. 7. 25.